
Frugal Upgrades: 12 Budget-Friendly Hacks to Improve Your Life

You don’t have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to improve your life. So many life hacks are free or nearly free!

Saving money is a way to improve your life. But how? What can we do to live a better and happier life? To help, I’ve compiled a list of hacks I personally use. They improve my savings, health, and overall happiness.

See if these 12 budget-friendly hacks can’t improve your life, too.

Take More Walks

Mother walking with toddler in park
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

You’re probably tired of hearing it, but it’s true. Taking walks can improve your quality of life. I used to roll my eyes when someone mentioned this hack, but now I feel sad when I can’t take a quick walk. Walking is free. It’s also a great way to get fresh air, clear your mind, and get healthy. According to Harvard Health Publishing, walking can help to boost your immune system.

Stretch in the Morning

Beautiful woman enjoying walking in park
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I could probably combine walking and morning stretches into one hack, but they are so important they deserve their own sections. Stretching is a great way to start the day. And it’s free! You don’t have to splurge on yoga and fitness classes. There are plenty of free YouTube videos that teach you to stretch. I have three videos I rotate in the morning.

Invest in Your Hobbies

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Being budget-friendly doesn’t mean you have to force yourself not to spend money. Honestly, one way to improve your life is to work on yourself. Invest in your hobbies. Having hobbies can improve your mental health. If you like drawing, get yourself some high-quality and comfortable drawing pencils. Most hobbies are affordable.

Buy Second Hand

Lady looking in a thrift shop
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I rarely buy new items. Most of the time, new items aren’t worth it. I’m only careful when buying pots and pans for cooking. If you want to improve your life while saving money, buy second-hand. You can find almost anything in a thrift store and yard sale, including furniture, clothes, books, decorations, and accessories.

Attend Free, Local Events

Event with craft stalls at the Massari public park. Stall selling ceramic objects.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While I’m a homebody, I also don’t like feeling trapped. One way to improve your life is to attend free, local events. You’d be surprised how many events your city or county holds for free. I’ve attended my area’s spring, winter, craft, and specialized festivals and markets. My favorite was a pirate festival. Check out your city’s downtown website or social media page.

Order Groceries for Pickup

close-up view of young woman shopping groceries on online supermarket with her mobile phone.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Groceries are expensive. My partner and I spend nearly $500 a month on just us two and a cat. The average American family spends over $1,000 a month on groceries. One way to lower grocery bills is to avoid temptation. Recently, I’ve started ordering online for pickup. I only order pickup when it’s free. This way, I’m not tempted to buy anything not on my list.

Meal Prep

Portrait Of Woman In Kitchen Preparing High Protein Meal And Putting Portions Into Containers
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Unfortunately, I used to spend a ridiculous amount on groceries. The worst part is that some of the products would go bad and be forgotten in the back of the refrigerator. A great hack to save money and live a better life is meal prep. Plan your groceries on your weekly menu. Spend one or two days a week prepping meals. The freezer is such a friend!

Always Keep Baking Soda in Your Pantry

Baking soda
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Baking soda is such a lifesaver. This household pantry item is perfect for baking, cleaning, and crafting. I use baking soda multiple times weekly and spend less than $1 on a box. A little goes a long way. Baking soda is also good if you have pets. I use it to clean my rugs and in my cat’s litter.

Track Your Spending

Man using budget app
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Very few people like talking about money. I have so many loved ones who don’t even like checking their bank accounts. This easy hack, though, saves you time and money. Once you make a budget, staying on top of it is the most important part. Check your spending once a week to see how you’re doing. This way, you can make tweaks. If you don’t like calculating your spending on your own, use an app. A favorite of mine is Rocket Money.

Turn off Lights

Turn off lamp to save energy
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Are you spending a lot on electricity? Cut your costs down by simply turning off more lights. I have a bad habit of leaving lights on all day, even when I’m not in the room, which can quickly increase my energy costs. When you leave a room, flick the lights off. You can go a step further and unplug unused devices.

Try New Recipes Weekly

Woman following recipe and cooking
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A lot of extra spending goes to food. I’m a huge spender when it comes to food. It’s just so much easier and more convenient to order online or in a restaurant instead of cooking, but it costs a lot! To save money on eating out, I recommend making it a challenge. Challenge yourself to create a new recipe each week. Make your restaurant favorites at home.

Generic Is Everything

Image Credit: Depositphotos.

Big-name brands are expensive. A party bad of Doritors can cost more than $6! The same goes for sodas, crackers, cookies, plates, and more. Instead of spending way too much for brands, stick to generic. Generic store brands are underrated. Most of the time, I can’t even taste a difference. Still, don’t make yourself miserable. If you have something you like, buy it. For me, it’s Oreos. No matter how many generic chocolate cream cookies I try, nothing bears Oreos.

30 Tricks to Save on the Electricity Bill No One Talks About

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Utility bills are inevitable, but you can reduce your consumption and spending. Here are thirty uncommon tips to help you be more energy-conscious, benefiting the planet, your wallet, or both.

10 Practical Ways to Be Frugal Without Being Cheap

Image Credit: Shutterstock

You can be frugal without being cheap by understanding the difference between price and value. A cheap person cares only about getting the lowest price, while frugal people consider price as one factor determining value.

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