
If You Want to See the World Use These 16 Budgeting Tips

Traveling the world often seems like an expensive fantasy, especially with today’s soaring costs. But before you shelve those dreams, know that there are smart, cost-effective strategies that can make travel possible for everyone.

It’s easy to postpone your travels because of family obligations or work. But the truth is that the perfect time to travel is when you’ve booked your tickets and accommodations.

If you’re skeptical, read on and see if these 16 tips don’t change your mind. As avid travelers, we’re pretty confident you’ll be ready to pack your bags before you reach the end. This list is filled with tips we use ourselves when planning trips and traveling. 

1. Be Strategic With Your Timeframe

travel mid week, laptop, calendar
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Use common sense when booking any trip; you’d want to avoid visiting Miami or Cancun during college spring break, wouldn’t you? Apply that same logic to planning an overseas adventure. Be strategic; traveling to tourist-friendly cities like Paris or Rome in the summer is the quickest way to spend most of your time waiting in endless lines to glimpse some of the most popular tourist attractions.

Plan your trips during the traditional off-season if you can deal with some cold weather. You’ll save money (always a plus) and experience a more low-key (yet still utterly fantastic) vacation!

2. Book Monthly Airbnb Stays

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I recommend jumping on one of the most unheralded aspects of renting an Airbnb for international travel: booking a month-long stay! Many European properties offer substantial discounts for monthly stays. I’ve saved over 50% on standard rates on more than one occasion.

It’s an opportunity too good to ignore. You’ll be surprised how often staying a month at a time at the same Airbnb costs less than paying for only three weeks. At that point, you’re vacationing on Airbnb’s dime!

3. Always Search for Deals

Online travel website
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Nobody stumbles upon can’t-miss travel deals on accident. Most savvy and frugal travelers end up going on incredibly affordable adventures as a result of diligent searching for the best deals possible! It’s a thankless job until you finally enjoy the fruits of your labor by going on a trip of a lifetime. We all spend too much time mindlessly scrolling through our smartphones anyway; we might as well be somewhat productive and search for travel deals while we’re at it!

Keep your eyes peeled. Visit travel websites and forums, and always be on the lookout for email offers. You never know when you’ll stumble upon a deal.

4. Limit Pricey Excursions

Traveling with family
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Unless you’re made of money (and judging by the fact that you’re reading this in the first place, I doubt you are), it’s best to limit excursions that can quickly dent your wallet. Ignore the allure of social media clout and restrain yourself from spending money on white-water rafting experiences or air balloon rides. These are activities that can easily be had at a much lower price here in the United States.

Exploring the world on a budget means dedicating yourself to living slowly and enjoying what’s around you. It shouldn’t be an excuse to break the bank on ridiculous “experiences” that you can do elsewhere for cheaper.

5. Target Inexpensive Parts of the World

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While overly popular destinations like Paris, London, Amsterdam, and Rome are breathtaking in their own right, they come at a considerable cost. I highly suggest traveling to places that are just as mind-blowing but exceedingly affordable to save money. Destinations in Sicily, Croatia, and Spain offer everything an adventurer could want at a fraction of the price of major tourist cities.

If Europe doesn’t tickle your fancy, places in Asia, like Bali, offer even more mind-blowing bang for your buck! Don’t follow the status quo; explore parts of the world that are inexpensive and still worthy of your time. You’ll be surprised at how fulfilling it is.

6. Work During Your Trip

Freelancer working in remote
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

There’s one clear-cut method to travel the world without breaking the bank: work during your next trip! The world is your oyster if you work remotely or are a digital nomad. Trust me, there’s nothing better than not just vacationing but living in an unfamiliar foreign city. It sounds crazy, but working while I travel makes me feel part of a local community and like I’m part of society’s fabric.

For most people, making money while traveling the world is impossible. For those who can make it happen, what are you waiting for?

7. Pack Lightly and Avoid Baggage Fees

Man packing for travel
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One of the most challenging things to do is to exercise restraint and make yourself pack lightly for an international journey. However, doing so has many benefits. Packing in this manner will make your trip more enjoyable overall due to less strain on your muscles and joints, and you’ll also avoid dreaded checked baggage fees at the airport. I’ve seen countless travelers experience sticker shock at the counter when faced with checked or overweight baggage fees they weren’t anticipating. (This is also the perfect time to remind you to check your airline’s baggage policy beforehand. Don’t be caught blindsided!)

8. Don’t Rent a Car

Man traveling in bus reading book
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Renting a car is overrated. Hear me out: unless you’re one of the lucky few who can drive a manual transmission car, you’ll pay an exorbitant fee to rent an automatic transmission vehicle overseas. Trust me, renting a car in an unfamiliar country is far more expensive than you think. Oh, and in my experience, parking is a headache everywhere.

Instead, utilize the local public transportation system to get around town. You’ll be glad you did, and your wallet will thank you!

9. Embrace Layovers and Save Big

Traveler eating airport
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Direct, nonstop flights are expensive. Suppose you genuinely want to explore the world without paying through the nose. In that case, it’s time to embrace the reality of your situation:

It’s time to accept that layovers will be part of your life from now on.

They’re not that bad, believe it or not. The layover life saves you lots of money and allows you to stretch your legs and experience new airports worldwide. Have you ever wondered what Wendy’s tastes like in a random German airport concourse? Of course, you haven’t, but that’s just part of the layover experience! Learn to love it, people.

10. Redeem Credit Card Rewards

Credit Card Rewards
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Allow me to outline how to take advantage of credit card rewards. First, put all everyday spending on the best rewards card you currently have in your wallet. Then, hoard those reward points for as long as possible. The final step is straightforward: Cash those points in for unforgettable travel deals!

Credit card rewards can offer ridiculously discounted airfare and hotel stays to most destinations. I’ve even traveled for free due to my expert points-hoarding abilities, and you can too. A sound credit card is arguably the best travel tool in your wallet.

11. Travel With Others

Friends with travel map
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While many swear on the benefits of traveling solo, there are more economical ways to see the world. Traveling with a partner can theoretically cut most of your costs in half (airfare notwithstanding). I’m constantly in awe of people who embrace the solo travel lifestyle. Still, in the end, I’d rather save money on expenses by traveling with a friend, significant other, or group of people. The more the merrier, right?

12. Live Like a Local

Traveler eating street food
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

As mentioned earlier, living like a local is imperative to saving money on your next international trip. Forego trips to tourist-friendly restaurants and bars and fully immerse yourself in the local culture. Befriend random strangers, shop at local grocery stores and supermarkets, and participate in free community events.

Switching from thinking like a tourist to considering yourself a local (and embracing everything about it) will help you spend far less money. Think of all the fresh, homecooked meals you’ll enjoy—that is reason enough to live like a local!

13. Walk Everywhere

Tourist walking through streets
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I was shocked to discover how much of Europe is exceedingly walkable. Unlike in the United States, pedestrian-friendly cities are the norm in Europe, not the exception! Even large, sprawling towns like Madrid cater to the walking population. Of course, there are numerous advantages to walking everywhere. Not only will you save money on public transportation and overpriced car rentals, but you’ll have a better appreciation of the unfamiliar place you’re exploring by fully immersing yourself on the ground.

(If you don’t consider yourself a “walker,” don’t stress; it’s much more manageable than you think!)

14. Download Maps and Save Data

Google map
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Unfortunately, international data plans are a must-have for any serious overseas traveler. However, there is a way to mitigate these costs and use less data than usual: download offline maps for navigation before you arrive at your destination! Modern smartphone apps like Google Maps allow users to download any map for offline use while keeping turn-by-turn navigation features intact.

Doing this will ensure you’ll never get lost in an unfamiliar city and never use more data than you need. How convenient is that?

15. Don’t Be Afraid to Tweak Your Plans

Asian woman traveler planning
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Don’t be afraid to pivot and change your itinerary, even if it’s at the last minute! You’ll never know when you’ll stumble upon the deal of the century, so if that means upending your plans to cater to a lower price point, so be it. That being said, I advise you to always book fully refundable airfare and hotel stays because that flexibility gives you the potential to save even more money down the road. Airlines and hotels raise and lower their prices on a whim, and you should always take advantage of an opportunity to save some hard-earned cash.

16. Start Saving Now

Happy woman with money saving piggy bank
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Let’s cut to the chase: there’s no such thing as a “cheap” international adventure, but you can make the ordeal far more palatable by saving money long before you take the trip. In other words, start saving now. Any dollar you put toward your trip will make it far easier on your wallet in the long run. When I book a trip about nine months in advance, setting aside $100 a month works like a charm!

Treat any potential vacation or trip as a significant expense, and treat it as you would other large purchases like a car or home. Saving (and saving often) is the key to exploring the world without breaking the bank.

17 Underrated U.S. Destinations Every Traveler Should Explore

Thrill seekers on the river
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Finding new and exciting destinations can be difficult for seasoned travelers. Many have their favorite places and go back to them time and time again. Some of the better destinations—hidden gems, if you will—are outside the mainstream. We have some top-notch places to try if you want to get outside mainstream locations.

These destinations are not tourist hotspots like Las Vegas, San Francisco, or Martha’s Vineyard. These spots are unique and quiet, making them some of our favorite hidden gems in America.

These destinations offer rich, memorable experiences for every traveler, from families to couples to solo explorers.

41 Shocking Ways You’re Throwing Money Down the Drain

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There are many ways to increase the money in your bank account. Many people start by looking at ways to make more money. And, of course, that is a great solution. But it isn’t always the easiest. A better, easier way may be to examine your spending habits. By tracking your spending and seeing where every dollar goes, you’ll likely find several instances of spending money you don’t have to. It could be little things that add up or recurring monthly expenses that are an utter waste of money.

Once you eliminate your bad spending habits, that money can go toward your emergency fund, paying off debt, or other essential things. Here are the 41 biggest wastes of money to look out for:


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