
12 Strategies for Achieving Work-Life Balance in a Remote Work Era

The hybrid and remote work era really took off during the COVID-19 pandemic. Several years later, it’s still incredibly popular. Many companies have found that allowing employees to work from home, either full-time or part-time, has lowered operating costs and increased productivity.

As the lines between work and personal life are slightly blurred, working remotely allows employees more control and flexibility. It also presents some challenges with achieving a healthy work-life balance. Fortunately, there are a few strategies that employers and employees can follow to help remote workers achieve a work-life balance.

We’ve compiled a list of 12 strategies to help you achieve a work-life balance while working from home or another remote location.

Create a Defined Workspace

Woman working at home in remote workspace
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I know you’ve seen many images of people relaxing on the couch or in bed working on a laptop. But it doesn’t work that way if you want to be productive. It’s better to create a defined workspace separate from your main living area. You’ll improve focus and productivity when you can associate a space with work,

Set Boundaries With Family and Friends

Mother work from home
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I’ve been working remotely for over ten years, and one of the hardest things for me when I started was getting family and friends to understand that just because I’m at home doesn’t mean I can stop for a chat at any time of the day. Make sure you communicate your schedule, especially with those who live with you, to ensure they know to keep interruptions and noise levels down during your work hours.

Set a Daily Schedule

Schedule Time Management Planner
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Setting a schedule with designated work hours will help create a sense of routine and structure for you and your family. However, it’s important that you share this schedule with colleagues and your family members if you expect them to abide by it.

Prioritize Tasks

Digital to do list
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If you’re like me, your to-do list is at least a couple of pages long, and there’s no way you can get through it in a day. So, learn to prioritize the most important tasks and get to them when you’re most productive. I use a sticky note and write the 3threemost important tasks. Then, I work on those first. It helps ensure the important work gets done, gives me a sense of accomplishment, and reduces stress. If there’s any time left in the day, I work on the less important tasks.

Take Breaks

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Working at home makes it easy to get buried in tasks and forget to take breaks. But regular breaks help you maintain focus, reduce stress, and avoid burnout. My work day typically involves a lot of different tasks, and I take a quick break when I complete one task before starting the next. It helps me decompress and get ready for the next thing I have to do.

Be Mindful of Technology Use

Lady on laptop with a timer, social media
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Apps and productivity tools that help you manage your time and organize your tasks are fantastic. I use my tablet as a to-do list daily. But be mindful of the many digital distractions that can creep into your day. Set time limits on checking email and social media use.

Remember, You’re Still Part of the Team

Online team meeting
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Even if you work from home full time, remember that you are part of the team and should take part in team-building activities, even if they are only remotely as much as you can. This will help eliminate feelings of isolation and encourage camaraderie, collaboration, and communication among employees.

Learn to Say No

Aged man with headset and laptop computer having video conference at home office. Portrait of mature male wearing headset watching online webinar and writing notes, virtual event planner
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Nobody can do everything, and it’s important to set boundaries. Don’t be afraid to politely decline additional responsibilities or meeting invites if they don’t align with your schedule or priorities.

Prioritize Self-Care

Woman doing exercise at home with exercise ball
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Self-care and mental health are essential to maintain your well-being and physical and emotional health. And not prioritizing self-care can seriously affect your productivity and job satisfaction. Working remotely can increase feelings of isolation and burnout. To combat this, make sure your daily routine includes time for relaxation, exercise breaks, and socializing.

Embrace Flexibility

Friends talking
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Yes, point 2 said to set a schedule, and you should. But you should also embrace the flexibility that working remotely offers. When necessary, adjust your work hours to accommodate personal goals or commitments. OOrwork during the times that you’re most productive.

Manage Expectations

Man stressed at work
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

You can only do so much in a day. Overcommitting can cause stress and lead to burnout. Make sure you set achievable goals and don’t take on too much. It’s ok to say no to a task if you don’t have time.

Leave Work at Work

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Just because you’re working remotely doesn’t mean you have to be tied to work 24/7. When your workday is done, avoid the temptation to check messages and emails. You need to disconnect and leave work at work to relax, recharge, and be ready for the next day.

14 Insanely Overpriced Fast Food Chains You Shouldn’t Bother With

Five Guys is a restaurant chain that serves on hamburgers, hot dogs, and French fries.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Fast food is now a luxury. My family and I have completely limited our fast-food outings. Just ordering a basic meal can cost close to $15, and it’s easy to spend even more. Some fast food spots, though, are more expensive than others.

Being shocked by a food bill will surely leave a bad taste in anyone’s mouth. So when you plan an outing, consider the cost of where you will eat rather than just your favorite meals. At these prices, a sit-down restaurant with a more comfortable ambiance where you can better enjoy visiting with friends and family might be a more affordable choice.

So, to help you have the best experience, I chose 14 ridiculously expensive fast-food chains you should be aware of. Many of the restaurants on this list come from my own experience and occasionally wrecked budget. Here are 14 insanely overpriced fast-food chains you shouldn’t bother with.

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The cost of living in the United States has skyrocketed in the last four years. So, what happens when the cost of living goes up? We stop buying certain things. I can think of many items and luxuries I’ve let go of because they’ve gotten so expensive.

Honestly, with the increasing prices, it’s not worth it. Maybe you’re experiencing the same dilemma. It’s hard to decide how to buy the things we need without breaking the bank. To help with those tough decisions, we curated these things based on luxuries and wants instead of needs.

Some may be more difficult than others to let go. However, in the end, we think it makes sense. What about you?


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