
12 Examples of Wild Things People Will Do to Save Money

We take saving money very seriously, but even we were surprised by some of the quirky tactics people have used to save a little more. But sometimes, going to extremes and thinking outside the box is the best way to get out of a spending rut and stretch your dollars. 

If your finances are in a rut and you’re struggling to make ends meet, it could be time to explore some more unique strategies to help you curb your spending. No one likes to feel like they’re being cheap or stressed over money, but when things are tight, it can feel like there is no other option.

After searching the web, we’ve found 12 strategies that offer some relief from the daily drain on your wallet. Some tips are easier than others to implement, and some just require a mindset shift. Either way, we know you’ll find inspiration from these strategies. 

Creating a Budget for Everything

Couples discussing money
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You can save a lot by understanding your expenditures. An excellent way to track this is by budgeting. You can get a head start on saving when you begin to set restrictions on your spending money.

The Reality Check

Late time concept
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One person shares a helpful tip, “I convert prices into how many hours of work I need to do to pay for it.” When you convert your finances into time currency, it becomes easier to value. Before you splurge that sum, consider how much time is wasted.

Second-Hand Purchase

Woman shopping at thrift store
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It’s tempting to only stick to new items when getting items. The idea of owning something new and shiny is appealing. However, someone divulged a secret on how to save more while buying necessary items like appliances, cutlery, decor, and the lot. Opting for a second-hand item saves you a lot of money. Next time you see a yard sale, don’t just look away; take a stroll.

The Local Library Is a Treasure

Woman in library
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If you’re a book lover, then this one’s for you. Sometimes, getting these books alters the budget you’ve prepared for the month. It can be annoying since getting a book is just as important as everything else on the budget. A great way to beat this is by visiting the library. You can access many books, a perfect reading space, and an online library. That’s three birds with one stone.

Cheaper Data Plan

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What’s the point of downloading things you don’t need? Sometimes, you find yourself exhausting your purchased data on irrelevant things. When you’re careful with your data usage and monitor its use, you’ll find that you’ll save a considerable wad of cash from your data purchase.

Sticking to a Routine

Woman marking in calendar
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Most times, spontaneity puts you at the mercy of impulse buying. To avoid this, it’s safer to create a routine. One that you’d be disciplined enough to stick to. This pattern creates a feedback mechanism in your brain. It helps you checkmate your actions and hence aids your frugality.

Ditching Most Single-Use-Products

Woman using towel
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Certain products can only be used once. It’s better to get those that can be used more than once, like paper towels, which can be easily substituted with a piece of cloth. Wash it properly for subsequent use at the end of each surface wipe. Ultimately, you save up on frequent purchases of the same products.

Leverage on Black Friday Sales

Woman buying in sale
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It’s essential to have a list of items you would need. This way, you can track what is about finishing or something missing in your home. Next, you target the next Black Friday sales and make a bulk purchase. This earns you a lot of discounts and helps you save up on the items you buy.

Zero-Buying Despite Discounts

Window shopping
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Sometimes discounts look so enticing, and you’ll find yourself buying an item you may not need. It’s easy to think you’ll need it later or feel satisfied with saving a few bucks off your purchase. Ideally, you have spent on what you had no intention of buying, which also puts a dent in your funds.

Leftovers Mini Buffet

Woman eating
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Every leftover can be seen as a treat. One way most people save up money is by ensuring they eat their leftovers. It helps you curb waste and save up as well. You can treat yourself to a few leftovers and enjoy the mini buffets from the week.

Try to Sleep on Your Amazon Cart

Woman on mobile
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Sometimes, reality hits you hard, and you realize you may not need some items in your shopping cart. Take them out immediately. Think of it as a second chance to do the right thing, like Spike Lee.

Always Do the Math

Managing a monthly budget requires careful consideration of housing, shopping, transport, utilities, travel, education, and medical expenses
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Remember to do the basic math before deciding on anything. It saves you from spending unnecessarily. Doing the maths comes in handy in our day-to-day activities. So before making any decision, ensure you’ve done the proper math on how it could affect everything else.

18 Jobs Where Skills Trump Intelligence

Old man or baby boomer working as tailor
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Our society often judges people’s intelligence based on their professions. While it’s an unfair practice, some jobs have unfortunately been associated with a stereotype of lower intellectual capabilities. Let’s dispel some misconceptions as we explore 18 professions unfairly branded as “requiring less brainpower.”

Write some checks to make payments for household expenses
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In this era of profound social division and discord, one thing everyone can agree on is worsening conditions for healthy personal finance. Whether it’s the dream of homeownership, the goal of building a robust investment portfolio, or simply affording necessities like food, individuals across the spectrum struggle to overcome the decline in their financial well-being due to economic changes.


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